Lani Forbes wrote tirelessly. Lani Forbes was the daughter of a librarian and an ex-drug smuggling surfer (which explains her passionate love of the ocean and books). A former teacher turned trauma counselor, her passion was showing readers the transformative and encouraging power of story on the human experience. She helped others process anxiety, depression, and complex PTSD, both in her stories and in real life. A California native whose parents live in Mexico, Lani resided in the Pacific Northwest where she stubbornly wore flip flops no matter how cold it got. She was a proud nerd, Gryffindor, and member of Romance Writers of America and the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
Lani was taken from us too soon, and fought cancer she tragically lost her battle. Every year, the Idaho Writers Guild offers a scholarship in her name to one confernce attendee.
The scholarship application is open now. Fill out the form below, and update an essay, at least 250 words but no more than 1,000 words detailing who you are as a writer, what inspiration you find from others, and how attending the Idaho Writers Conference might change your life.
Entries are due by no later than March 1st. We’ll notify the scholarship winner by March 15th and will honor them at the conference.*
*If you apply for the scholarship and do not receive it, we will honor early bird pricing for you even though it will be past the official deadline.