You Served – Thank You!
You served our country, and we want to say thanks. Whether you served in the full-time military, the national guard, or you were or still are the spouse of someone who served. we want to honor you.*
Without you we would not have the freedom to write whatever we want. We would not have the right to speak out for those who are underrepresented. In fact, we would not have many of the freedoms we enjoy today.
So when you go to check out, simply enter the code YouServed10 and get 10% off your membership dues. Keep an eye on other events throughout the year, as you may be eligible for discounts on those as well.
Join today!
COUPON CODE: YouServed10

*Please be prepared to show proof of your or your spouse’s military service upon request. We hope that everyone will honor our military members by not abusing this coupon code. Please only share this code and discount with others who also served. Thank you!