Thank You For Making 2024 IWG Conference


Online Groups

Did you know that Idaho Writers Guild has online groups you can join? You can connect with other members, have lively discussions, and ask questions from the comfort of your own home (no pants required)

Check out the Groups Page and join today!

Member Events, Book Signings, and Announcements

Every month we send out a newsletter to members and friends of IWG. One of the benefits of being a member is you can submit your writing events, book releases, book signings and awards to be featured in our newsletter. Just use the button below to submit your member news!*

*Events must be submitted by the 23rd of the month to be featured in the newsletter for the following month. While we will do our best, it is not possible to feature every submission. You must be a current, active, IWG member for your submission to be considered.

Critique Groups

If you are ready to take your writing to the next level, joining a critique group can be a key element of your success. We currently have two critique groups available for members of the Idaho Writers Guild, and both have openings.

Click the link below to learn more!

Master Classes

Master Classes and Workshops

Want to improve your craft or your approach to the business of writing? Check out the workshops we offer throughout the year.

Although open to anyone, members always get early tickets and discounts. Check out the schedule below to learn more!

Help Writers Realize their Dreams

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to helping writers navigate today’s complex publishing world. Help make a difference in the lives of writers in your community.

Check out what we’re doing, and donate today. All donations are 100% tax deductible.

We Support Community Events

If you or your organization offers events, workshops, and classes for the writing community, we want to hear from you. Use the button below to submit your events to be featured on our calnedar and shared on or social media accounts, and our event coordinator will be in touch. We love to support any organization that supports writers like we do.

Want to be a part of a growing and thriving local writing community? We want you! Whether you are also a part of other groups, or IWG is your first writing group ever, we want to be a part of your writing journey. Join today!

We’re Looking for Volunteers!

Do you want to be a part of helping our writing community grow and thrive? Then we want to talk to you. Click the button below to learn about new and upcoming volunteer opportunities!

 The Idaho Writers Guild, a community-based literary arts organization, offers networking and educational opportunities as diverse as our members.

Vision Statement:

The vision of the Idaho Writers Guild is to support and nurture the craft and business of writing in the State of Idaho.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Idaho Writers Guild is to support writers through teaching craft, the business of publishing, the development of a community of peers, promoting resources for Idaho writers, and raising awareness of writing talent.

To fulfill our vision and mission, we host public programs and projects, including author readings, workshops, an annual writing contest, and a yearly conference.

Anyone is eligible for membership that entitles you to discounts on IWG workshops and events and other member-only benefits. The goal of the IWG is to provide a safe space for all writers of any ability level, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or for any other reason.

Because of the support of Guild members, board members, and partnerships in the community, we are able to provide a wide variety of discounted and free opportunities. Without you, there would be no Idaho Writers Guild.

Have Questions? Need more information about something you have seen here? Get in touch using the contact form below.

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