Build a House You Want to Live in: Sustainable Author Career 101

Build a House You Want to Live in: Sustainable Author Career 101

Becca SymeMain Stage - Rm 420A

Every author career has foundational building blocks that make up our foundational success. In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to build an author house you want to live in. With success coach and author success alignment specialist, Becca Syme of the Better-Faster Academy and the Quticast for Authors.

Becca Syme holds a master’s degree in transformational leadership and has been a success coach (primarily utilizing the Gallup Strengthsfinder®) for over fifteen years. She’s coached over 5,000 individual authors and creatives through her Write Better-Faster and Strengths for Writers classes & coaching cohorts: six- and seven-figure authors, major award winners, midlisters, and new authors alike. Becca is a firm believer that an individualized approach is the most effective, so she’s brought on other certified coaches who are also writers, to help coach even more writers to maximize their strengths. Please find those coaches in the menu and see who would be the best fit for you. Becca is not currently taking new clients, but please see one of our other coaches!
Sat 10:30 am UTC - 11:45 am UTC
Main Stage
Masterclass, Talk