Thanks for joining our trusted partner program! We are so glad to share your vision with our members.
This process involves two steps: first, fill out the form below, including information about you, your company, and the ad copy you want us to use on our website. Your ad copy must be 350 words or less.
Second, be sure to upload the graphics you want us to use. Your logo must be 300 x 300px minimum. We can scale larger images.
Your trusted partner graphic can be the same (we use your logo) or different, including your logo or some other information you want to share, but still must be 1080 by 1080 at maximum.
Sponsorships are annual but do not automatically renew. We will let you know when your renewal comes due, and you can either renew or change your sponsorship at that time. If you ever want to edit your ad copy or use a new graphic, simply contact us and let us know.
Thanks again, and welcome to the Idaho Writers Guild Trusted Partner Program.