Contest Submission Guidelines

Writing Contest Submission Guidelines


  • Short Story
  • Flash Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Novel First Chapter
  • Memoir First Chapter

Entry Fees are $47 for members/$57 for non-members per entry. You must pay a fee for each entry, and all fees are non-refundable. Early and late entries will not be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.


  • You can only enter once per category, with the exception of poetry and flash fiction, which you may enter twice per category.
  • You can only enter up to three categories.
  • You must follow the general submission guidelines and those for the category you are entering.
  • Entries that do not follow guidelines will be sent back to you with corrections, but you must return them by the contest deadline. NO LATE ENTRIES, NO EXCEPTIONS!

Each category is judged by two or more industry professionals. You will receive the judges’ scorecards  – FREE with each entry!                                  


Format pages with (category, Genre, title, page #) in the header. The judges’ comments will be emailed to you after the awards ceremony.

Submit online using the appropriate button below. Log in, click on the contest tab under the conference tab, submit your entry, and pay the entry fee.


  1. All entries must be ORIGINAL and NOT previously published
  2. Any genre is acceptable, all entries, however should be adult or new adult fiction or non-fiction
  3. Entries must be received by midnight, February 1st, 2024
  4. All entries MUST:
  • Be in English, and the author’s original work*
  • Be double-spaced with 1” margins in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font*
  • Poetry may be single spaced or in stanza format, but must use the correct font and margins.
  • Poetry cannot be more than four pages, and each poem is considered a separate entry
  • All pages of the submission must have the category name, manuscript title, genre, and page number listed in the upper right-hand corner (this can be a header outside the 1 inch margin)*
  1. Your name must NOT appear on any page of the manuscript. Your name should only be located on your Entry Form
  2.  The Fees are non-refundable for each entry
  3. Failure to follow instructions will result in disqualification. Should your entry be disqualified, you will receive a letter stating the reason for disqualification and, time permitting, an opportunity to resubmit at no additional charge.


  • 1st place winner in each category = $100 gift card (Amazon or Rediscovered Books)*
  • 2nd place winner in each category = $50 gift card (Amazon or Rediscovered Books)*
  • 3rd place winner in each category – $20 gift card (Amazon or Rediscovered Books)*

Winners’ names, the title of their work, and the genre of winning works will be posted on our website after the conference. You’ll also receive a contest badge you can use on marketing materials and your website.

Flash fiction, poetry, and short stories have the opportunity to be published in an annual contest collection put together by the Idaho Writers Guild. Winners will be contacted after the conference with details about this opportunity.

*As part of your contest entry, you must provide us with your mailing address and phone number. All prizes left unclaimed 90 days after the conference will be considered donations to the Idaho Writers Guild. Conference attendance is not required but is recommended. 


By entering any category, you are indicating that you have read and understood both the general rules and submission guidelines and the rules and guidelines for each individual category. All entries that do not follow the guidelines will be disqualified. 

Short Story*

Short stories must be no longer than 5,000 words. They will be judged on originality, creativity, and completeness. Each entry must be a story that would stand on its own.

Download the rubric the judges will use to evaluate your entry using the button below. It is highly recommended that you read and study this before submitting your entry.

Flash Fiction*

Flash fiction must be no longer than 100 words. The piece should be a complete story, well crafted, and brief. You’ll be judged on a similar criteria to a short story.

Download the rubric the judges will use to evaluate your entry using the button below. It is highly recommended that you read and study this before submitting your entry.


The poetry category will be judged by professional poets. Only one poem per entry. Formatting, style, and poetry form all matter. Show us your best!

Download the rubric the judges will use to evaluate your entry using the button below. It is highly recommended that you read and study this before submitting your entry.

*Short story, flash fiction, and poetry entries will be eligible to be published in an anthology produced by IWG. Details will follow the contest conclusion after the conference.

Novel First Chapter

Your entry must be only one chapter of your work. The maximum word count is 5,000 words, but it is recommended that your chapter align with industry standards for your genre.

Download the rubric the judges will use to evaluate your entry using the button below. It is highly recommended that you read and study this before submitting your entry.

Memoir First Chapter

A memoir first chapter submission should be no longer than 5,000 words. It must show that it is part of a larger story, not just part of a series of events, and must introduce a strong main character just like a novel.

Download the rubric the judges will use to evaluate your entry using the button below. It is highly recommended that you read and study this before submitting your entry.


When submitting to an agent or editor, one of the quickest ways to get a rejection is to fail to follow the formatting guidelines. To better prepare you for the business side of writing, we have established these guidelines for our contest. Please follow them.

If your submission does not follow the formatting guidelines, it will be sent back to you with a one-time chance to resubmit at no extra charge. If you resubmit a second time without the correct format, your entry will be rejected.

Please understand this is not personal. We want you to succeed in your writing career no matter what your goals are, and following submission guidelines is an important part of that.

Join us for the Idaho Writers Conference

You don’t have to attend the Idaho Writers Conference to enter the contest. However, that is where our winners will be announced. So you may want to be present to either accept your award or cheer on your peers.

Besides that, you can learn a lot from this year’s presenters. We have an all-star cast including a workshop the day before the conference with Robert Dugoni (separate registration) and Craig Johnson as our keynote speaker. Consider attending the conference, check out what we are offering this year, and get your tickets today!

Being a Member of IWG Comes with Great Benefits

Want to save money on entering the contest and attending the conference? Become a member of the Idaho Writers Guild! You get discounts, support from other writers from your peers to professionals, and member events throughout the year. Join us today!